How to do a Single Crochet - Crochet Tutorials

Hey guys! 
In this post, I'm going to show you how to do a single crochet stitch for absolute beginners. 

Check out this video tutorial of how to do a single crochet, or keep scrolling for a step by step guide!

How to do a Single Crochet Stitch

Step 1: Insert your crochet hook into either the top loop of a chain or into your last stitch.

If you need help with doing a chain stitch, check out my tutorial of How to do a Chain Stitch.

Step 2: Wrap your yarn around your hook. Turn your hook 180 degrees so it is facing down. Make sure the yarn around your hook is in the hook part of your hook.

Step 3: Pull your yarn through the stitch you are working into, but not the loop on your hook. You should have 2 loops on your hook. 

Step 4: Wrap your yarn around your hook again and repeat step 2. This time, pull your yarn through both loops on your hook 

Tip: Make sure you aren't pulling your yarn extremely tight. I normally tell new crocheters that it is better to work with loose work than tight work. If you're pulling your yarn tight, it will be hard to insert your hook into your work as you continue on. Over time, you'll learn the consistency of how tight to hold your yarn.

Here's the final product!

For the yarn that I used in this tutorial, click the link below!
Bernat Blanket Yarn in Teal: (Amazon)

If you liked this tutorial, check out my other tutorials!

Check out some of my patterns using single crochets!
